Mr. Giunta's Fall Break 2019

I don’t know about you guys, but I am a big fan of our school calendar. I miss work too much in the summer, and it is nice for everyone to get to recharge every month and half or so during the school-year. Most of the time I opt for “stay-cations” here in Georgia or visit family in Florida, but this time… I. Went. All. Out. Newfoundland & Labrador.

Of course my vacations are full of lots of learning and I wanted to share some of that experience with you all.

Newfoundland & Labrador is about the size of California, but the population of Yuma, Arizona. The largest city is St. John’s, and that was my home base. It is the northeastern most city, and standing on its peninsula of Cape Spear to watch the sunrise, I was one of the first people (20 other tourist had the same idea) in all of North America to see it that day! It made me think about how we are studying orbits in 4th grade!

Here are just a few pictures from my adventure:

This is part of Bell Island where I went sea kayaking. There were amazing waterfalls and caves!

This is part of Bell Island where I went sea kayaking. There were amazing waterfalls and caves!

This caribou was one of the many critters at the Salmonier Nature Park, a reserve for injured animals (like the Chattahoochee Nature Center!). They also had owls and eagles, lynx and fox, beaver and otter, and moose!

This caribou was one of the many critters at the Salmonier Nature Park, a reserve for injured animals (like the Chattahoochee Nature Center!). They also had owls and eagles, lynx and fox, beaver and otter, and moose!

The Geocenter is a museum dedicated to the earth science of the province. They had thousands of rocks, some of which were over 1 billion years old! This glacial cobble made me think of the work we are doing in 5th grade on constructive and destructi…

The Geocenter is a museum dedicated to the earth science of the province. They had thousands of rocks, some of which were over 1 billion years old! This glacial cobble made me think of the work we are doing in 5th grade on constructive and destructive forces of landforms.

I’m relaxing on a 560 million year old cliff over the Atlantic Ocean at Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve, a UNESCO site. Next to me are fossils molds from some of the earliest known living organisms on our planet!

I’m relaxing on a 560 million year old cliff over the Atlantic Ocean at Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve, a UNESCO site. Next to me are fossils molds from some of the earliest known living organisms on our planet!